Community Playgroups

Come along to one of our regular playgroups for children aged 0-5 years.
Through both structured activities and free play, our playgroups offer children an opportunity to explore their environments, develop their skills, and socialise with other children. Playgroups also offer friendship and support for parents, a place where you can share experiences, seek advice and enjoy the company of other parents.
The playgroups we currently facilitate are listed below

Wilsonton Heights Community Playgroup
Tuesdays, 9am-11am
(during school term time only)
Wilsonton Heights Neighbourhood Centre
14 Wine Drive, Wilsonton Heights
Please bring hats and water bottles.

Intergenerational Playgroup (Buderim)
Wednesdays, 9.30am-12pm
(during school term time only)
Play Matters Sunshine Coast Hub
1 Mons School Road, Buderim
$8 per family
Please bring hats, water bottles and morning tea .

Community Toy Library Playgroup
Fridays, 9.30am-11.30am
(during school term time only)
Kath Dickson Toy Library
Littleton Street, Crows Nest
Please bring hats, water bottles and morning tea.
Frequently asked questions
What are the benefits of playgroup for my child?
Playgroups provide young children with fun opportunities to interact with other children their age in a safe and supportive environment. This helps children develop important social skills, such as sharing, taking turns, and cooperation. The play-based activities and experiences we offer also help children develop cognitive, language, and fine motor skills. Both the socialisation and learning help to prepare children for the transition to school.
What are the benefits of playgroup for me?
Playgroups provide a sense of community and support for parents and caregivers. You can connect with other parents, share experiences, and offer advice and support to one another. Plus, with all activities already organised, playgroups give you a chance just to have fun with your child.
Is there a cost?
Our Toowoomba and Crows Nest playgroups are free to attend with all activities provided. The Sunshine Coast Intergenerational Playgroup is presented in conjunction with Play Matters and there is a $6 per family entry fee.
Do I need to book?
No, just come along to the playgroup sessions. We would love to see you there.
Do I have to stay for the whole time?
No, if you need to leave early, that’s absolutely fine.
Do I have to be a member of the Toy Library to come to the Crows Nest playgroup?
Not at all – everyone is welcome. However, if you do decide to join, playgroup is a great time to return and borrow toys from the Toy Library.
Can I volunteer to help?
Absolutely! If you would like to volunteer to help at playgroup please complete a volunteer application form.
Contact us
Kath Dickson Family Centre Head Office
5 Jennings Street, Toowoomba Qld 4350
Visit our Facebook Page for regular updates
1300 336 345